Chapter 5
The Circular Economy: The 10R’s Model

Ce 10rs 27

We have used Reike et al.’s (2018) model of the 10R's.

The R7-R9 CE practices create long-loop value, R4-R6 practices create middle-loop value, and R0-R3 practices create short-loop value for the implementing companies.

From a manufacturing perspective, long-loops are where components and products lose their original function, and hence lose value, though the material value is captured.

Medium-loops are where material, component, and product value are captured through the re-involvement of producers, and subsequently, less value is lost.

Short-loops are where a product remains close to its most valuable state and function; hence, the most value is retained in the materials, components, and products.

It is desirable to maintain value, and hence keep the loops as short as possible for their materials, components, and products.